Humanity has been driven from the Earth by mechanical beings from another world. NieR: Automata tells the story of androids 2B, 9S and A2 and their battle to reclaim the machine-driven dystopia overrun by powerful machines.
PC games all missions unlocked download free. Finally, Go To The Downloaded & Extracted Folder And Select The Media File ". Item description: NieR Automata Save Game.Inside The Software Click On " OPEN FROM FILE ".It seems that the original modders have not given any updates so far, so I'll carry the torch for. 2B, 9S, A2 - Additional Player Model Replacements. Tweaks of existing model swaps are also available. Download > Extract > Lunch Wallpaper Engine Software Additional player model replacements for A2, 2B, and 9S.In Case You Have a Wallpaper In A Video Format And You Want To Use It. Once You Lunch Wallpaper Engine Software You Will Find 2B And 9S NieR: Automata Live Wallpaper Among The Default Wallpapers In The Software, Simply Click On It And There You Go.Download 2B And 9S.rar, Extract The File And Copy It To The Software Default Wallpaper Library Exactly This Destination: > Projects > Default Projects.Download The Latest Version Of Steam Wallpaper Engine HERE (This is only Trial Version, We Recommend You BUY it).